Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I am a Runner

During Week Two, I have been amazed by the sense of community that exists among runners.  Up to this point, the entire Go The Distance Team has been warm, friendly and welcoming to all.  While the Go The Distance Team is AMAZING!; the overall community of runners appears to be a friendly, supportive people.  

 It has been so nice to be able to begin my Boilermaker training experience with such a wonderfully supportive group.  Being away on a business trip for the first part of this past week, I was dreading having to fit my runs in, without the support of the team.  Where would I run?  Would I be able to push myself adequately?  What would other runners think of me when they see me huffing along?  These are just some of the questions that went through my mind as I prepared for my trip.

 I was pleasantly surprised by the quantity and frequency of warm greetings that I received during my early morning runs in a strange city.  I have never considered myself to be a “runner.”  That did not seem to matter to those that I encountered this past week.  It was so encouraging to hear a “good job” or, “keep it up” from complete strangers, as they trotted past me.  I am not sure if the same people would have acknowledged me had we crossed paths in our street clothes.  However, running seemed to connect us somehow.

I do not know whether or not I will continue to participate in the sport of running after this experience.  For now, for the first time in my life, I consider myself to be a runner.  I am a Runner!

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