Friday, May 30, 2014

We waved Joe!

Thursday evening's run was an interesting one.  I was not really feeling up to running and if it were not for having the group counting on my presence, there would be no way I would have gone out to run even a mile.  I was expected to be there, so I was.  I am convinced that without the support of this group, I would not have had the self-motivation to successfully train and complete the Boilermaker.

We waved!  "Hi cows!"
Our route took us from our usual starting point, in Lot C, left onto Technology Drive and off campus via Hilltop Drive.  From there, we took a left onto Mulaney Drive.  We were instructed to wave to the cows!?!  If we did not, we were instructed to "not bother coming back".  What the...?

At the end of Mulaney we took a left down Edic Rd. for a bit of a rollercoaster-style drop and climb. From there it was twice around the circle, down the trail to the lower circle.  After two loops around that circle we headed back onto campus through Lot C and two laps around the bus loop and back to the start.

The general concensus was that the route was about 4.3 miles.  Even though I was not feeling like running, I actually had one of my better performances.  My pace was better than it has been and I feel that I handled the hills fairly well.  Everybody seemed to perform well, even with the heat.  As our reward, Joe decided we could all run a few sprints!  Yeah!

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